Autobuske karte, red vožnje, servisne informacije. Kontakt:

Checking the tickets sold on the site

Preduzeće Bus Logic preko sajta vrši prodaju autobuskih karata za domaće i medjunarodne linije. Na sajtu prevoznika možete da proverite validnost karte ovog prevoznika, koju ste kupili preko našeg sajta. Pretragu možete da obavite preko forme za proveru koja izgleda kao na slici ispod:


Instruction for chack ticket:

- To check the validity of your tickets, please, to the field to check ticket number you enter the ticket number. (Picture 1.)

redvoznje image 1

- After you have entered the number, please click on the button "Check". (Image 2.)

redvoznje image 2

- If you entered the correct number of tickets, you will get a result with your data as in Image % NUM%3.

redvoznje image 3

If you entered wrong or nonexistent ticket number, you are going to get a message abouth error, like on picture 4.

redvoznje image 4

If you enter more then five wrong or nonexistent ticket number, you are going to get a message about the error and you will be forbidden to make next search within next 30 seconds, like on the picture 5.

redvoznje image 5